Geledés: the Black Women’s Institute

April 30, 2013: 25 years of Geledés: the Black Women’s Institute

April 30, 2013: 25 years of Geledés: the Black Women’s Institute – a leading organization in the fight against racism and giving visibility to black women of Brazil. Congratulations! Note from BW of Brazil: Today, April...

Personagens da História de Geledés

Personagens da História do Geledés uma construção que teve início em 30 de abril de 1988 Maria Lúcia da Silva Presidente de Geledés 1988 a 1994 Sônia María do Nascimento Presidente de Geledés 1994 a 2000 Maria Aparecida da Silva Presidente de...

The Geledés Black Woman Institute

Geledés – Black Woman Institute was created on April 30th 1988. It is a political organization of black women which has as its institutional mission the struggle against racism and sexism, the validation and...

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