Geledés launches recommendations on race and gender for climate negotiations at COP29 in Azerbaijan

Geledés na ONU, incidencia internacional de Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra

Geledés – Institute of Black Women is present at COP29, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Baku, Azerbaijan, following the main negotiation agendas and strengthening its efforts to include the Afro-descendant perspective in documents and recommendations. The goal is to ensure that the fight against racial inequalities is reflected in the areas of adaptation, financing, just transition, gender, and loss and damage.

To contribute to the content of the negotiations, the Institute developed specific recommendations. In Brazil, these contributions were sent to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Environment, and Racial Equality, and at the international level, they were presented to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The recommendations address topics such as the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), Just Transition, Gender Action Plan, and the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), reaffirming the importance of integrating race and gender agendas in a cross-cutting manner.

The Afro-descendant population, estimated at approximately 300 million people globally, according to the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, is an essential part of the history and the economic, political, environmental, and social development of nations in Latin America and the Caribbean.Geledés aims to ensure the incorporation of the race and gender nexus in all discussions, with the goal of achieving more robust targets and objectives in terms of climate justice and reducing the violence affecting Afro-descendant populations, especially Afro-descendant women and girls. The Institute is also committed to advancing the rights agenda for this population by actively participating in ongoing negotiations in Baku during COP29.

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