Este Instagram é pura inspiração para mulheres de cabelos afro

Shanillia e Janelle são duas irmãs que vivem na Holanda com a mãe, Seraya. De origem Surinamesa, as três têm cabelos crespos muito lindos! Para valorizar a beleza das filhas e mostrar como cuida dos cabelos delas, Seraya criou uma conta no Instagram que é pura inspiração para crespas.

Cada uma das meninas têm os fios com uma textura diferente. Janelle, a mais nova, tem cachinhos soltos, e Shanillia tem os fios mais crespos. A mãe sabe muito bem como valorizar a beleza de cada textura e faz penteados lindos nas duas!

Happy 9th bday to my firstborn! ??? I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. I gave birth at home with my family waiting downstairs to meet the first of our 5th generation of women. I didnt experience the ‘stereotypical’ feelings mothers normally have have right after they meet their baby for the first time. When Shanillia was born she didn’t cry. She just stared at me with those extremely big black eyes and the the biggest bush of black curls you’ve ever seen. The midwife assured me she was perfectly fine and that not all babies cry when they’re born. 30 minutes after our first meeting she went downstairs for the rest of the family to meet. When the midwife asked me where my daughter was I just looked at her like she was crazy thinking ‘What do you mean, My daughter? I don’t have a daughter I am a daughter! And then I said: oohhh the baby! Lol… she was so shooked. It wasn’t until everyone had gone and my mom gave her to me for the night that I got the worst panic attack in my life. My first thought was: Are you seriously going to leave this newborn baby with me? What’s wrong with you?! I don’t know how to do this! I laid her beside me and she made a small noise. That was the first time I heard her voice  and it hit me that there was no one else responsible for her well-being but me. That I was a mother now and that every decision I made from then on should be in her best intrest first. I cried so hard realising that I is Us now. – #naturalhairdoescare #blackhair #protectivestyles #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural  #curls_aunatural #healthy_hair_journey #unconditionedroots #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair #twistout  #protectivestyles #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #mynaturalhairisdope #gocurls  #amazingnaturalhair #luvyourmane #naturalgirlsrock #dutchnaturals #curlbox #mcm

Uma publicação compartilhada por Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) em

Hairstyle of the week! I’m a fan of cute and easy hairstyles. Low manipulation and good hydration are big elements of a healthy hair journey. With @entwinecouture @entwinecouturenl I know I don’t need to hydrate her hair on a daily basis. I will keep her hair in this style all week and not worry about retaining moisture. ❤❤❤ Song: Nubian Delight by Acronym – #naturalhairdoescare #curlyhairmag #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural  #curls_aunatural #healthy_hair_journey #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair #twistout  #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #mynaturalhairisdope #gocurls  #amazingnaturalhair #luvyourmane #naturalgirlsrock #dutchnaturals

Uma publicação compartilhada por Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) em

Being a mother is being asked by your children to narrate their birth and their first few years, over and over again knowing damn well that they memorised the stories back to back and even correct you when you accidentally skip a part. It’s having your kids bring you back in time and creating a moment of pure appreciation when you realise how much you all have grown as individuals but more importantly as family… – SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO @ceeceescloset_ for gifting us with these amazing headwraps! We absolutely love them! ??? — #naturalhairdoescare #curlyhairmag #protectivestyles #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural  #curls_aunatural #healthy_hair_journey #unconditionedroots #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair #twistout  #protectivestyles #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #mynaturalhairisdope #gocurls  #amazingnaturalhair #luvyourmane #naturalgirlsrock #dutchnaturals #naturalhairspot

Uma publicação compartilhada por Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) em

When the kid directs herself smh ? I got some more hair inspiration for yall! Have you guys seen our newest tutorial?! LINK IN BIO! Courtesy of @entwinecouture and @entwinecouturenl ! Their Hydrator creme is amazing when it comes to keeping the hair hydrated whilst protective styling which is essential during the colder days! I left this hairstyle in for two weeks and her hair still felt soft and moisturised! To purchase go to @entwinecouturenl Don’t forget to use my discount code: Shanillia for a 15% discount! ??? – #naturalhairdoescare #naturalhairjourney #afrohair #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural #naturallyshedope #curls_aunatural #unconditionedroots #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair  #curlswithlove #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #kiddycurls #mynaturalhairisdope #berrycurly #afrikinkykids #myhaircrushkids #naturalhairkidsfeature #frobabies

Uma publicação compartilhada por Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) em

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