Durban +10: Discurso de Rodnei Jericó na ONU

Artigo produzido por Redação de Geledés

Discurso de Rodnei Jericó na Assembléia Geral da ONU em comemoração de Durban +10 em nome de Organizações de Mulheres Negras Brasileiras: Maria Mulher, Geledés, Articulação ONGs de Mulheres Negras Brasileiras

In the name of Maria Mulher, Brazilian Black Women’s Organization, in the name of the Brazilian Articulation of Black Women’s NGOs, and in the name of the several Brazilian Civil Society organizations present at this meeting, we express our deep regret that after 10 years of the approval of the DDPA, none or insufficient results have been reached in this period.

We black women are the major group of victims of racism in the world. And we still expect the States, the United Nations Secretary General and the High Commissioner of Human Rights to fulfill, as depicted in the DDPA ( quote) their moral obligation to take appropriate and effective measures to halt and reverse the lasting consequences of slavery, the slave trade, the transatlantic slave trade, apartheid, genocide and past tragedies ( unquote)

World civil society is a major stakeholder in the whole process to guarantee that all the commitments agreed in Durban become effective rights for all women and men who live in different regions of the world, of different generations, different gender identities, different economic conditions. Facing the persistence of structural racism in all member States, and considering the ongoing difficulties of the UN Secretariat and the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights to develop the needed mechanism to overcome racism, it urges that the commitments to strengthen the participation of civil society in all levels be implemented and that the criminalization and persecution of human rights defenders be halted.

Ladies and Gentlemen who represent the nations of the world, it is yours the grave responsibility to overcome your own limitations, and petty interests, in the name of your obligation to act for the common good.

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