The Geledés Black Woman Institute

Artigo produzido por Redação de Geledés

Geledés – Black Woman Institute was created on April 30th 1988. It is a political organization of black women which has as its institutional mission the struggle against racism and sexism, the validation and empowerment of black women in particular and the black community in general.

Geledé is originally a type of feminine secret society of a religious nature found in the traditional Yoruba societies. It expresses the feminine power over the land fertility, procreation and the community’s well-being.

With a view to updating this tradition in the light of the contemporary needs of black women, Geledés has been consolidating the discussions about black women’s issues as a fundamental aspect in the gender discussion in the Brazilian society and enhancing the debate about the need for adoption of inclusive public policies so that the principle of opportunities equality for all can come true.

In its history, the Organization has participated in political interventions on national, regional and international levels aiming at denouncing racism in the Brazilian society and sensitizing governments and the civil society for the discussion about the exclusion process of poor and discriminated populations in the world.

As a non-governmental organization, Geledés has acted in partnership with several organizations of the social movement and the organized civil society contributing to the definition of public policies aiming at the elimination of the discriminations suffered by black women and men in the Brazilian society.

The Geledés board of directors is formed exclusively by black women. However, in its several work teams there are men and women, black and white who are collaborators and sympathetic to its proposal of political action. It has worked in the following fields: Human Rights (including economic, social and cultural rights); education, communication, vocational training and health.

Translation: Adriana Graciano

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