Janet Jackson #BlackLivesMatter – Can’t Be Stopped

Este vídeo foi inspirado pelo discurso poderoso Jessie Williams no 2016 BET Awards .
Nós lutamos por nossos direitos . Nós lutamos por nossos direitos agora. #CantBeStopped

This video was inspired by Jessie Williams‘ powerful speech at the 2016 BET awards.
We fought for our rights then. We fight for our rights now. #CantBeStopped


Can’t Be Stopped – Lyrics

We can’t be stopped
I know that it’s not been easy
Tryin’ to make it in this crazy world
The people around you try to stop you
Stomp you, sayin’ that you don’t belong
You must remember that
(You must remember)
You were born with blood of kings and queens
And can’t be stopped
Stay strong my sister
(Stay strong my sister)
You can’t be stopped
No, you can’t be stopped
I know that sometimes you get to feelin’
I’ve given up on you
The pressure seems to, to defeat you
Beat you, whenever you can’t go on
You must remember that
(You must remember)
You were born with blood of kings and queens
And can’t be stopped
Stand tall my brother
(Stand tall my brother)
You can’t be stopped
No, you can’t be stopped
(Don’t ever let nobody tell you you ain’t strong enough)
Strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you
You know that I will be right here to
Remind you that we need togetherness
Cause the long ride has not forgot you
Don’t forget where you come from
You must remember that
(You must remember)
You were born with blood of kings and queens
And can’t be stopped
Stay strong my sister
(Stay strong my sister)
You can’t be stopped
No, you can’t be stopped
(You can’t be stopped my sister)
You must remember that
(You must remember)
You were born with blood of kings and queens
And can’t be stopped
Stand tall my brother
(Stand tall my brother)
You can’t be stopped
No, you can’t be stopped
(No, you can’t be stopped)
Strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t
Strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t
Strong enough
Don’t let nobody tell you you ain’t strong enough

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