Racial Violence: A reading on homicide data in Brazil

In Observance of Human Rights Day 2009 “Embrace diversity end discrimination” Global Rights and the Institute of Black Woman – Geledes, from Brazil,  invite you  to share the findings of a two year project on racial profiling and police brutality against Afro Brazilian Youth.

Racial Violence: A reading on homicide data in Brazil
Rodnei Jerico Da Silva, Director of the S.O.S project of Geledes and
Suelaine Carneiro, Coordinator of the Research Department

We hope that you will join us!

This presentation will be in Portuguese, with simultaneous interpretation into English

A light lunch will be provided

Rodnei Jerico Da Silva is a lawyer,  He is the current coordinator of the S.O.S. racism project, a program that offers legal assistance to victims of racial discrimination. He has a graduate degree on human rights  from the University of Sao Paulo and he has a specialization of International Law from Columbia University.

Suelaine Carneiro is Sociologist and she is the current coordinator of the Documentation and Research Center Lelia Gonzales, she represents Geledes in the Sao Paulo National Campaign for the Rights to education.

Please feel free to foward this to anyone who might be interested in attending.

Click here for more information about Global Rights’ Latin America Program.


December 10, 2009


12:00-1:30 PM


Global Rights

1200 18th Street N.W.

Suite 602

Washington, DC 20036

(Metro stops – Farragut North or Dupont Circle)


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By December 8, 2009


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