Based on performative aspects of Afro-Brazilian traditional dances the LAB will work with body expressions through physicality, metaphors and symbols.
Seeking the relations between movement, memory, temporality, spatiality and ritual in intersection with music, garments, objects, dance and theatre.
21st to 23rd and 28th to 30th of May
From: 18:00 to 21:00 and Saturdays from 12:00 to 17:00
Fee: 600 NOK
Drop-In : 120kr (cash only)
At: Torshovloftet – Vogtsgate 64, Oslo
more info:
Luanda Carneiro Jacoel (BR/NO), is a dancer-performer seeking to update questions about body-memory, identity, diaspora and cultural background.She has bachelor in Communication of Performing Arts – Artes Do Corpo Pucsp (Brazil) and is certified as a Somatic Movement Coach at Somatic Movement Institute – SMI (Netherlands)